I have switched to Ubuntu 17.04 for a while. And when I was trying to create a WiFi hotspot with create_ap, I encountered some problems:

Problem 1: 100% CPU usage with systemd-resolved and 33% with dnsmasq

I spotted this problem when I heared my fans spinning crazily. When I do top, I found the phenomena above.

After some search, I found this post useful:


However, although I found the solution mentioned in the answer works, I don’t like changing these system default settings very much. Therefore, I chose to turn off DNS function by dnsmasq, as I don’t need that when creating an AP.

Steps of solution

  1. Change port=53 to port=0 in /etc/dnsmasq.conf
  2. Restart dnsmasq

Problem 2: /etc/resolv.conf always has nameserver in it, instead of nameserver

This problem would only affect those programs that read /etc/resolv.conf for name resolving, for example dig. Other programs (such as Chrome) tends to use other interfaces for that(I guess), and thus they were not affected.

This problem is because dnsmasq, even though with DNS port=0, tells resolvconf to use nameserver in its startup script /etc/init.d/dnsmasq. See the following snippet from that file for reference:

# If interface "lo" is explicitly disabled in /etc/default/dnsmasq
# Then dnsmasq won't be providing local DNS, so don't add it to
# the resolvconf server set.
        for interface in $DNSMASQ_EXCEPT
                [ $interface = lo ] && return

        if [ -x /sbin/resolvconf ] ; then
                echo "nameserver" | /sbin/resolvconf -a lo.$NAME
        return 0

See also: https://superuser.com/questions/894513/resolv-conf-keeps-getting-overwritten-when-dnsmasq-is-restarted-breaking-dnsmas

Steps of solution

  1. Add the line DNSMASQ_EXCEPT=lo to /etc/defaults/dnsmasq
  2. Restart dnsmasq